Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Stop, Drop, and Roll

The house fire in Charleston was a terrible tragedy, but pointing fingers and blaming each other won't help heal anything. Being a landlord gives you responsibilities, and yes, smoke alarms are probably one of them. However, there is a personal responsibility of the renters to inform the landlord if there is a problem. Most landlords don't just barge in unannounced to check smoke detectors. Honestly, I don't even know if my house has them. I hope that the families affected by this awful event heal and that it will open up people's eyes that they need to check their fire alarms and be ready in case of emergency, but I think the blaming needs to stop until the police conduct an investigation and then it is up to the law to decide guilt.
I commented on Robbie's blog.

Monday, March 26, 2012

School's Out For...

I'm staying home for spring braek but I sure will be busy. I'm in a musical called Jesus Christ Superstar and we have 5 shows of it over spring break, and this week is tech week. That will certainly keep me busy for most of the break. It stars Ryan Hardiman and Donnie Smith and it is amazzzzing. Seriously, you need to come see this show. The show times are: 29, 30, 31st of March 8pm. April 1st: 2pm. April 5, 6, and 7 at 8pm.

If I'm not doing that I'll probably be reading... or going to the mall. Or hanging out with my boyfriend. Or hanging out with my other friends. I'll also probably go see the Hunger Games a few more times!
Hunger games.jpg
I commented on Austin's blog!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Killer of 16

I think what he did is awful and uncalled for and he should be punished. I don't think him not being promoted had much to do with it, but honestly the story was written really badly. I think everything built up inside it and he went crazy. Probably the stress caused it, but it's really not a reason to kill people. Mental issues are very common in military veterans, and yes, they need to be better treated but people need to learn how to ask when they need help. Further more, he killed innocent people, not even soldiers, so whatever punishment he gets, he deserves. He probably has no clue how bad he could've screwed up relations between the US and Afghanistan.

I commented on Robbie's blog.

High School Dropouts...

I had no idea that 25% of people don't get their diploma in four years. I actually think Obama's plan is kind of stupid. Yeah, less kids will drop out, but if they don't want to be here, don't make them. Honestly, not every kid is meant to graduate and go on to college. More than encouraging them to stay in regular high school, it would probably be helpful to encourage "under average" students to go to technical school so they at least have a job waiting. That being said, schools need to stop pushing for honors ad AP for EVERY kid. This makes the kids who don't do well in those classes feel stupid. It just means not everyone is cut out for them and there's nothing wrong with that, but there need to be more "regular" options available.

I commented on Austin's blog.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Hand It Over

I think it's horrible what happened to her... It is NOT the school's job to regulate online posts. That's a personal responsibility and if any one should be doing it, it's the parents. As long as you don't post the things on school computers, it really isn't there business and they shouldn't be snooping. The only exception is if a student prints something out and brings it to the administration. I also think that the story kind of exagerates things...I mean, so what? The cop had a taser...he's a cop. Why wouldn't he have one? It's not like he had it out waving it at her.

I commented on Austin's blog.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I don't think we should be the unhappiest state. That being said, I think Charleston is kind of exempt from a lot of the problems. Yes, there is some crime and poverty but it's nothing like the coal fields. I feel like the people in the southern part of the state tipped the scales there. I mean, if you go up to the northern part of the state, it's a whole different atmosphere. It's basically like not being in what most people think of as "West Virginia-ness." They don't even have the same accents! I think people just need to be more optimistic, and it'd be awesome if the government stopped upping gas prices by eighteen cents above average.

Look how pretty it is?

I commented on Robbie's blog.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Obama's Nanny

She's an outcast because she is biologically a he, but considers herself a she. I don't have a problem with it but I get why other people do. No it's not right that she's an outcast, but it's how the world works. I'd be afriad if I were her because of how people perceive her. I think as long as she is a good person, it really should not matter.

I commented on Austin's blog.

Monday, March 5, 2012

You Text, You Drive, You Die.

I don't drive and my parents don't usually text while driving. Occasionally they will at the stop light. I don't think it's a good idea, but I don't see a big problem with it as long as they are stopped. I think texting while driving should be illegal, because it is really really dangerous. It can happen to anyone no matter how good of a diver or texter they are. It's all about where your attention is at.

I commented on Austin's blog.