Wednesday, April 17, 2013

#44 You May Not Recognize Yourself In 10 Years

I really really hope I'm not the same person I am now, in ten years. I mean, I'm 17. I don't want to be stuck in a 17 year old mindset forever. That being said, I hope some parts of me stay the same and that some of my tastes don't change. In 10 years... I want to be on stage. I want to be performing, done with college or getting a masters of fine art. I could be married, but I don't even know if I ever want to get married. Maybe.

#43 Guns For Teachers

I'm sort of conflicted on this issue. On one hand, it could take first responders a long time to get to the school if there is an issue, but on the other hand... A kid could grab a gun, a teacher could make threats.. It seems weird. But like it said in the article, guns are an every day part of life there, and everyone is trained to use them. I guess if it's what the school thinks is best it's okay. The teachers and parents don't seem to have a problem with it.

First Responders

Friday, April 12, 2013

#41 Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher was a British politician who first was a Conservative member of parliament. She rose through the ranks and eventually became Prime Minister.She advocated for privatizing state-owned industries/utilities, reforming trade unions, lowering taxes, and reducing expenditure. During her time in office, unemployment drastically rose. She developed a close political relationship with Ronald Reagan because of their mutual distrust of communism. She earned the nickname of "The Iron Lady" from the Soviets. Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was welcomed by her, as a reformist.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

#42 Reporter

I guess I'm not exactly sure what the problem is. She has a right to protect her sources until she is told otherwise. However, if she is forced to....a lot of people are going to get in trouble. Stories always cite "anonymous sources" for information, but if the people involved are subject to a gag order then obviously it did violate something. It's a weird situation because she has the right to protect her sources but if they are under gag order then they broke the law but it's hard to say whether she should have to reveal them. It's a bad situation all around.

#40 Blind Blog

I think art can be experienced through any sense. There's no reason a person who's blind can't experience that. The fact that someone set this program up is pretty amazing and I think it could be totally beneficial. It also makes me so thankful that I'm not blind because I can't even imagine what it would be like. It's kind of innovative because you're so used to never being able to touch art.

#39 Report Card

I am very happy with my grades. I just need to not get distracted before the end of the year. I guess I'd be proudest of my history grade since that's pretty much my hardest class but even that's not hard. I guess as I said history was maybe the hardest and I'd guess that Earth science was probably the easiest maybe. I don't know, they're all about the same.