Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Roughly 171 Days To Go

     We've been up and running for about a week now, and it's been crazy. HTML is no longer a foreign language to me, and I think my wiki page is turning out pretty great. The rest of the year is just a little scary though. I got ahead of the game with my wiki because I could do extra work on it at home, which isn't an option once we start using Flash. I hope I get the hang of it pretty fast and don't have to give up all my off periods to work on it. My friend Austin and I have been wracking our brains trying to decide an idea for our game, but we're still not sure. I definitely want it to be about history, but the history of what? Narrowing it down is going to be a challenge. So far, this is my favorite class. I love having it last period because it's actually an enjoyable way to end the day. In the next hundred-some days I hope I can make an awesome game, connect with other people, and maybe do a little interning if I'm any good.

Blogs I commented on:


  1. Your blog looks great! love the background! Although you should change the color of the font kinda hard to read!

  2. Good Job Caitlin!!!! I also thought it was hard to read but my eyes adjusted after a while!

  3. What the post says is great, but its hard to read the text because the background and the text colors are so similar to eachother. Try making a solid background behind the text, while keeping the texture as the blog's general backgound.

  4. Wow, Caitlin this is one of the best blogs I've looked at and it sounds like your off to a good start to a Great year! I like this blog because, the background contrast well with the lettering. Another thing I like and I wish I knew how to do are those cool looking fish.
