Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"You Mean Not Everyone That Goes To GeeDub Is A Jerk?!"

We watched a video about the dangers of a single story. I think it really did make me look at the way I judge people. Everyone does it, but we don't even consciously think about it most of the time.

1) What does it mean to have a 'single story' about a place or community?
It means to only look at something from one point of view, without hearing all sides of a view, argument, belief, or society, etc.
2) Describe a single story you have heard told about your community. What is missing from that story? How could people learn more about that community?
I can't tell you how many times I've been talking to someone and they ask what school I go to. This is pretty basic, normal info. However, when I say I go to GW, I sometimes get a weird look and an "Oh! Really?" as if they are shocked beyond belief that I'm not some super rich jerk with a ten story house. What a few people who go to other schools don't get is that GW is just like any other high school. We have people from all kinds of cliques and social classes. I think the difference is that they mostly leave each other alone. If people just took the time to hang out with people who go to GeeDub they might understand it, but truly the only way to really "get" it is to go to school here.
4) How could a game let players experience many stories about a place or community? 
I think a game can be really informative and interesting, even as it educates. In order to be fair about this though, the creator has to be objective. If your making a game about politics, you can't put your own opinions in it. If you do, your only giving a single story and not being fair to all sides of a story. This is true no matter what the topic is. However, you have to be age-appropriate with it and make sure it's understandable - what you explain to a 3rd grader about a political leader is not the same as what you explain to a high school senior.

I read Austin's blog!


  1. Caitlin,
    I love your thoughts - keep up the great work!

  2. i like your blog. the white lettering stands out nicely with the black background. good job!

  3. Yeah, there are good and bad people at every school. People need to realize that!
