Monday, February 13, 2012

The Almighty Tablet

The future of computers is ever changing. Desktops at this point are kind of out of date in most situations. I don't think tablets will ever totally replace laptops, though. This is because of a few reasons: most tablets are on some kind of wireless plan with a cell phone company, they break easily, don't provide much storage, and don't have an actual keyboard. They're basically oversized iPhones. The advantages of a tablet is their cleekness and portability, making them very convenient to use at school or work. According to Amazon, the Kindle Fire is the bestselling tablet, which isn't surprising considering Amazon is the maker of the Kindle.

Kindle Fire: landscape view showing movie, held in one hand
I commented on Robbie's blog.


  1. I feel that, especially the gaming community, the desktop is Still Alive (to all gamers, you know what I just did there). Desktops have better hardware like RAM, hard drive, graphic cards, ect. They will coexist.

  2. Yes Caitlin, I got the kindle fire as the top selling tablet. It can do some amazing things, but I don't think that it will surpass laptops.
