Monday, March 26, 2012

School's Out For...

I'm staying home for spring braek but I sure will be busy. I'm in a musical called Jesus Christ Superstar and we have 5 shows of it over spring break, and this week is tech week. That will certainly keep me busy for most of the break. It stars Ryan Hardiman and Donnie Smith and it is amazzzzing. Seriously, you need to come see this show. The show times are: 29, 30, 31st of March 8pm. April 1st: 2pm. April 5, 6, and 7 at 8pm.

If I'm not doing that I'll probably be reading... or going to the mall. Or hanging out with my boyfriend. Or hanging out with my other friends. I'll also probably go see the Hunger Games a few more times!
Hunger games.jpg
I commented on Austin's blog!

1 comment:

  1. i hear the hunger games is good and bad, what are your thoughts? nice blog!
