Friday, January 18, 2013

#26 Gun Control

I'm torn on agreeing or disagreeing with stronger gun laws. The part of the 2nd Amendment that no one seems to remember is that it says "well regulated militia" not "any citizen who wants one." However, instead of introducing new laws that some argue may violate civil rights, why not amend the amendment? That's the whole point of the Constitution - that it could be changed to reflect the times. Well, the times of muskets are over and semi-automatics are a whole different story. Banning them probably won't stop much of the crime - handguns commit the vast, vast majority of gun crimes. Criminals don't follow laws - that's what makes them criminals. But I'm not sure getting semis off the streets is such a bad idea. & how about instead of just taking guns away from everyone deemed mentally ill, we instead focus on helping the mentally ill. In short, I don't know and I don't want to talk about it with people whose minds are so set in stone by party lines that they aren't willing to see compromise.

I commented on Austin's blog.


  1. I'd agree with you on that last sentence.

  2. With these strong party lines, I feel that maybe in our lifetimes, there may be a revolution against the current form of government. There may not be, but we are going for at least an overhaul of our political system.

  3. Basically, America is in a ruckus. Hopefully, we can fix more pertinent things like our economy. Something more Important. If the economy goes, money won't mean anything. Then people will kill over supplies and such... IDK what is right...

  4. "well regulated militia" refers to the people of the united states as a whole because when the amendment was written we did not have a formal militia, the government called on the people to fight and protect there homes. The amendment says that the people a have a right to "keep and bear arms" this means we can have (keep) and use (bear) firearms. We have a constitutional right and obligation to have and use guns to protect our home no matter if it is our house or our country.
    Gun laws need to be loosened to allow people to protect there homes and yours if need be.
