Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Final Countdown


I'm shocked at how little time we have left in the year. I think I've done a lot of procrastinating this year but I still have pretty great grades. Lately a lot of my As have been slipping to Bs, but I think I can get them back up. I think I would've spent a little more time on homework and a little less time on extracurriculars if I could do the year over, but it's also been a great year for me in terms of improv, show choir, and musicals. I'm really going to buckle down next year, since junior year is the one that matters most to colleges. As long as I manage to get out of the year with over 4.0 I'll be happy.

I commented on Austin's blog.


  1. Caitlin!! Doing Homework is the #1 thing in school, but things like show choir and JCS are important too. Keep workin hard.

  2. i understand the procrastinating part, great blog, keep up the good work
